
Aurora blends artistic methods to draw you into new worlds.

No piece is rendered in generative AI.

Although care is taken to avoid using generative AI stock, the current lack of regulation fails to require platforms to provide adequate labeling, and artwork later identified as containing AI may be removed. Aurora is shifting to rendering and painting stock to ensure quality protections.

Signature Artwork

Each image is fully rendered using licensed or original 3D models and are stylized in Photoshop through use of classic filters and digital painting. No generative AI utilized.

Featured Artwork

These composite images are created in Photoshop using public domain stock and/or original stock Aurora rendered or painted for the scene.

Signature Patterns

Patterns are created in Photoshop using original stock, digital painting, and/or hand drawn scans. Public domain stock use is limited to color overlays or minor background elements.

Featured Patterns

Patterns are created in Photoshop using public domain stock and digital painting.

Combination Pieces

Combination of two or more of the above categories.

Artwork not listed here was provided by Printful INC, or donated by the original copyright holder.

Updated 6/29/2023
All Rights Reserved

Aurora De Caelo reserves all rights to her intellectual property. You cannot copy content of this page.

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